

Tel  01795 531 556    Fax   01795 539 929

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LA MER LTD | Fresh fish delivered daily

UK Fresh Fish Wholesaler & Supplier

we are able to offer one of the widest selections of daily landed fresh fish and seafood in the country. But we don’t stop there, we go further afield and can source some of the best sustainable fish from all over the world.




We like to tell our customers that if it swims in the sea, chances are we sell it! We are happy to help find those unusual items or simply supply your mainstream fish and seafood! We can be a one stop fish merchant for our customers. 

We deliver overnight to the south east of England, via Cornwall Transport. Further afield around the UK can sometimes take two day, depending on where our customer is based and have regularly served customers in France, Italy and the Middle East.

We invoice on the Friday of each week for that week’s fish and our invoices are dated for payment 7 days later. Extended payment terms can be requested and these would be looked at on a case by case basis.

As a new customer you need first to register with la mer by submitting a new application via our website using the New Application Form or by calling us directly.

To place an order, you can use the online ordering system once we have confirmed your registration,or Just give us a call between 5:00 am and 12:00 pm Monday to Friday and we will take you order over the phone for delivery the next day. If you prefer we will organise to call you at a certain time each day to take your order. Alternatively, we can set you up with a log in for our web order tool and you can place you own orders into our sales system.

Unfortunately, we don’t get it right all the time, but we strive to be the best we can. If you have any problems, please give us a call the same day as your delivery arrives and let your account manager know. They will do everything they can to put it right to your satisfaction!


Have any questions? Give us a call 01795 53 15 56


